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Chagga bolt hole

Kibosho-Mweka | Chagga Tribe

Tanzania is a country of great diversity, having over 120 tribes. Each has its own native language and culture. The country has done an admirable job of creating unity from so many groups while encouraging preservation of each culture. The most popular tribal tours in northern Tanzania are Chagga and Maasai tours,
The Chagga tribe lives in the lower slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Many of the people you will meet in Moshi are Chagga and have adapted their live to a modern Tanzanian lifestyle but in rural areas, their traditions still exist. There are several options for viewing traditional Chagga life including visiting coffee and banana plantations.

Found at the southern part of Mt Kilimanjaro this area is historic in the battles of the Chagga and Maasai. About a century and half ago there used to be a frequent raids and looting of Chagga property by the Maasai and fighting among factions of the Chagga themselves in the course of territory expansion. After suffering many hardships, idea was adopted by the Chagga was to utilize the hidden underground called “Chagga bolt hole”. Where by Chagga bolt hole a special hole which was dug and partitioned into different chambers for the purpose of hiding women and children as well as storing food and livestock. In addition to the excellent hiding spot, this area served as a vantage point to see how the flow of battles were progressing. Get in touch with KITASA TOURS will bring you to the place where Chagga bolt hole found also we will offer you to see wild trophies museums at Mweka College, Chagga botanical garden, visit to waterfall in Mweka village, Coffee tour, Chagga traditional experiences ( dishes, dances, local healers), Visit an old church of Kibosho.